Saturday, 14 May 2016

When I'm Missing my Mum/Brother...

Disclaimer: Okay, so honestly, I miss my mum and my brother day in day out, 24/7, I wouldn't be human if I didn't and I'm not trying to make it out like I don't miss them but for this post I'm talking about those days that all of us have, you know the ones, where you literally are pained because you miss them so much. Sometimes I miss one more than the other - for different reasons. I'm human, I love them both equally. Anyway yeah, here we go.

When I have those days where I miss them more than normal, it generally makes me numb about everything else, I can't quite cope with day to day things. I struggle on through and it's just really really difficult to do so anyway. I hate the thought of moving or doing anything because I'm just so down.

Those days are the worst. But I have some tips that I've learned to get myself through them and try cope a little bit better with my grief.

  • My first tip is to simply look through old photos or home videos I have with them, sometimes hearing my brothers voice through his music he made is enough to settle me a little and give me a bit of comfort, seeing their faces always gives me comfort and brings back happy memories.
  • Secondly, if it's a conversation I feel I need to have, I write a letter to them (sometimes both of them, sometimes just Mark, sometimes just mum) and if you're not wanting anyone else to see the letter once you've written it and let everything out, just rip it up. It's okay.
  • Next, and this is only if I'm very, very down. I just let myself have the day. I just let myself have the day to grieve and cry and be sad and mope. It's okay to do it if you absolutely have to, your mental health always comes dirst.
  • Next up is to talk to someone that knows them to chat about different memories or simply just to have someone to vent and relate to them.
  • Lastly, try to think about what they'd say to you if they were there. I find comfort in that sometimes.

Always remember that no matter what you're doing to cope with grief, as long as you're not hurting yourself or others around you - you're grieving normally and the person you have lost is so proud of you and always will be.

Thank you for reading and remember I'm here at all times if you need anyone to talk to. I know it gets tough sometimes.

Other places to find me:

Instagram - tod4ylovesmiledonme
Twitter - rgarmentmua or rachelgarment
email -

 x x x x x

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